Pila-kuningturpialid on seltsivad linnud ja pesitsevad metsade servades ning mõnikord ka
linnades. Kolooniate suurus võib varieeruda 2 kuni 250 pesa vahel,
tavaliselt on korraga aktiivsed 40 kuni 100 pesa. Need turpilalid on
polügüünsed ning isaslinnud on territoriaalsed. Isaslinnu suurus määrab, kui
paljude emastega ta paaritub. Isaste domineerimist mõõdetakse suuruse ja
vastastikuse laulmise abil. Võistlevad isaslinnud kasutavad laule
domineerimise kindlakstegemiseks. Nad matkivad üksteise laule, kuni üks alla
annab. Laulud on väga tähtsad, sest need on omased konkreetsetele
kolooniatele. Foto sellest pila-kuningturpialist sai tehtud Ecuadori Amazonases, Cuyabeno looduskaitsealal.
Yellow-rumped caciques are social birds and they nest on the outer edges of forests and sometimes in towns. Colony size can range from 2 to 250 nests, usually 40 to 100 nests will be active at any one time. Yellow-rumped caciques are polygynous and males are territorial. The size of the male will determine the number of females with which he mates. Male dominance is measured by size and counter-singing. Competing males use songs to establish dominance. They match each other’s songs until one loses. Songs are very important because they are specific to individual colonies. The photo was taken in the Ecuadorian Amazon, in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve.
Yellow-rumped caciques are social birds and they nest on the outer edges of forests and sometimes in towns. Colony size can range from 2 to 250 nests, usually 40 to 100 nests will be active at any one time. Yellow-rumped caciques are polygynous and males are territorial. The size of the male will determine the number of females with which he mates. Male dominance is measured by size and counter-singing. Competing males use songs to establish dominance. They match each other’s songs until one loses. Songs are very important because they are specific to individual colonies. The photo was taken in the Ecuadorian Amazon, in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve.