India siniraag elutseb Aasias - Iraagist ja Araabia Ühendemiraatidest
kuni India subkontinendini, sealhulgas Sri Lankal ja Maldiividel. Nende
lindude peamiseks elupaigaks on põllualad, hõredad metsad ja rohumaad.
Siniraage võib leida ka parkides ja linnades. Foto sai tehtud Bimmah
karsti lähistel Omaanis.
Indian rollers are distributed across Asia, from Iraq and the United
Arab Emirates in south-western Asia through the Indian Subcontinent,
including Sri Lanka, Lakshadweep islands, and the Maldive Islands. The
main habitat of these birds includes cultivated areas, thin forest, and
grassland. They can also be found in parks and cities. The photo was
taken near the Bimmah sinkhole in Oman.
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