30. mai 2020

Lauk, Fulica atra

Lauk, Fulica atra, Common Coot, Black, Eurasian
Kirev (antud juhul omadussõna, mitte tegusõna) nagu papagoi.
Colorful like a parrot.
Lauk, Fulica atra, Common Coot, Black, Eurasian
Vanalind on küll sellise näoga, et kelle laps sina nüüd oled?? Foto tehtud Harjumaal.
Parent of this Eurasian coot baby seems to look at the chick and think that who's kid you are supposed to be?? The photo was taken in Harjumaa, Estonia.

28. mai 2020

Puna-kabeorav, Callosciurus erythraeus

Puna-kabeorav, Callosciurus erythraeus, Pallas's squirrel, orav
Kas puna-kabeoravad on ajalooliselt olnud kõvad kabetajad või millest see nimi on tulnud, seda ma kahjuks ei tea. Küll aga on teada, et tema peamine levila ulatub Bhutanist Taiwanini ning lõunas Malaisiani. Teda on sisse toodud ka Euroopasse, kus näriline on aga muutunud kahjuriks ja hakanud kohalikke oravaid välja suruma. Foto on tehtud siiski kabeorava looduslikus levilas - Taichungi pargis, Taiwanis.
Pallas's squirrel can be found in much of South-East Asia, from Bhutan to Taiwan and Malaysia to the south. Populations have been introduced also in Europe where it's considered an invasive species, as it can outcompete native squirrels. The photo, though, was taken in its natural habitat - in Taichung Park, Taiwan.

26. mai 2020

Kuldhänilane, Motacilla citreola

Kuldhänilane, Motacilla citreola, Citrine Wagtail, Yellow-headed, hooded, Northern, hänilane
Kuldhänilane Pärnumaa roostikus.
Citrine Wagtail in a reed bed in Pärnumaa, Estonia.

24. mai 2020

Mantel-möiraahv, Alouatta palliata palliata

Costa Ricas elavad mantel-möiraahvid on läbimas suurt muutust - tavapäraselt süsimusta kasuka ja oranžide küljelaikudega loomal on hakanud karvkattes esinema kollaseid pigmendiplekke ning mitmed isendid on juba täiesti kollased. Põhjuseks pakutakse väävlit sisaldavaid pestitsiide, mida riigi ohtrates istandustes kasutatakse. Täpsemalt võid lugeda ERR Novaatorist. Pildil olev ahv näib veel standardse välimusega olevat ning ta sai üles võetud Kariibi mere rannikuäärses puudesalus, Costa Rica kagunurgas.
Golden-mantled howlers in Costa Rica are going through a major change - primates that are usually black with orange side patches now show yellow pigment spots in the fur and some are even completely yellow. It is believed that the pesticides containing sulfur are to blame as these kinds of chemicals are used in abundant plantations of the country. More to the story can be found here. The howler on the photo still seems to have a standard look and was caught on camera in a small patch of forest by the Caribbean Sea in SE Costa Rica.

22. mai 2020

Punanokk-vart, Netta rufina

Punanokk-vart, Netta rufina, Red-crested Pochard, duck
Haruldus! Punanokk-vart on tegelikult Lõuna-Euroopa ja Kesk-Aasia lind, kuid sagedusega korra või kaks aastas nähakse teda ka meie mail. Seekord õnnestus minulgi see väljamaalane ära näha ning pildile püüda, ei pidanud pealinnast väljagi sõitma.
Rarity! Red-crested pochard is actually Southern European and Central Asian bird but once or twice a year you can see it in Estonia if you are lucky. This time I was also able to spot this foreigner and capture a photo of it.  And I did not even had to leave our capital Tallinn.

20. mai 2020

Austraalia piilpart, Anas gracilis

Austraalia piilpartide õhkutõus Thamesi lahe ääres asunud üleujutatud niidult, Uus-Meremaal.
Liftoff of grey teals from the overflown meadow by the Firth of Thames in New Zealand.

18. mai 2020

Salutihane, Poecile palustris

Salutihane, Poecile palustris, Marsh Tit, Parus, sootihane, tihane
Salutihane ehk sootihane oma koduuksel, Tartumaal. 
Marsh Tit on its doorstep in Tartumaa, Estonia.

16. mai 2020

Hallhaigur, Ardea cinerea jouyi

Hallhaigur, Ardea cinerea jouyi, Grey Heron, haigur
Hallhaigur päikesetõusu aegu Sicao märgalal, Taijiangi rahvuspargis, Taiwanis. 
Grey heron just after sunrise in Sicao wetland, Taijiang National Park, Taiwan.

14. mai 2020

Tamme-kirjurähn, Leiopicus medius

Veel 15 aastat tagasi oli tamme-kirjurähn Eestis vaid eksikülaline, kuid sobivamaks muutunud kliimaolud on toonud mõnikümmend paari ka meile pesitsema. Sellegipoolest on tema pildile saamine alati üks suur rõõm ja vedamine. Antud foto sai tehtud Tartumaal.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker was a vagrant species in Estonia just 15 years ago but more favorable climatic conditions have brought a few dozen pairs also to nest here. In spite of that it is always a great pleasure to capture a photo of this bird. This photo was taken in Tartumaa, Estonia.

12. mai 2020

Thraupis episcopus, Blue-gray Tanager

Thraupis episcopus, Blue-gray Tanager, tangara, tangaara
Sinihall tangara Costa Ricas, Sarapiqui oru vihmametsa serval.
Blue-gray Tanager in Costa Rica, by the lush rain forest of Sarapiqui valley.

10. mai 2020

Võsaraat, Prunella modularis

Võsaraat, Prunella modularis, Dunnock, Hedge Accentor, Hedgesparrow, Sparrow, Dykie, European
Võsaraat oma koduses võserikus Tartumaal.
Dunnock in its home thicket in Tartumaa, Estonia.

8. mai 2020

Maoori mustmerisk, Haematopus unicolor, Torea pango

Maoori mustmerisk, Haematopus unicolor, Torea pango, Variable Oystercatcher, New Zealand Black, merisk, Sooty
Uus-Meremaa endeemne maoori mustmerisk Kaikoura poolsaare väändunud kividega rannikul.
New Zealand endemic variable oystercatcher on folded and tilted limestone rocks of the Kaikoura peninsula coastline.

6. mai 2020

Must-kärbsenäpp, Ficedula hypoleuca

Must-kärbsenäpp, Ficedula hypoleuca, European Pied Flycatcher, Western, Muscicapa
Must-kärbsenäpp kevadisel Harjumaal.
European Pied Flycatcher in spring in Harjumaa, Estonia.

4. mai 2020

Hiina bülbül, Pycnonotus sinensis formosae

Hiina bülbüli Taiwani alamliik formosae elutseb ainult Taiwani peasaarel ning erineb põhiliigist selle poolest, et tema kõhualune on heledam ja ilma kollaste triipudeta ning valge "müts" on laiem.  Kusjuures Taiwani ida- ja kaguosa on hetkel veel linnu sugulasliigi Taivani bülbüli kontrolli all (ehk siis seal antud bülbüli ei leidu), kuigi Hiina bülbül üritab läbi liikide segunemise ka sinna imbuda. Kõlab natuke nagu poliitiline kommentaar :) Foto tehtud Taichungi pargis.
The subspecies formosae of light-vented bulbul is found only on the main island of Taiwan and differs from the nominate species by having a lighter belly without yellow streaks and also wider white patch on the head. It must be mentioned that the east and south-east coast of the island is at the moment still controlled by Styan's Bulbul (i.e. light-vented bulbul is not found there) but through the hybridization of the two species, Styan's bulbul's is already in a vulnerable status. The photo was taken in Taichung Park.

2. mai 2020

Hallhani, Anser anser

Hallhani, Anser anser, Greylag Goose, Grey Goose, hani
Hallhanesid on praegusel ajal põldudel massiliselt, otsimas seda, mida põllumehed neile "söödaks" on külvanud. Foto tehtud Läänemaal.
Our fields are filled with greylag geese at the moment and the birds are looking for what farmers have "sowed" for them this year. The photo was taken in Läänemaa, Estonia.