24. mai 2020

Mantel-möiraahv, Alouatta palliata palliata

Costa Ricas elavad mantel-möiraahvid on läbimas suurt muutust - tavapäraselt süsimusta kasuka ja oranžide küljelaikudega loomal on hakanud karvkattes esinema kollaseid pigmendiplekke ning mitmed isendid on juba täiesti kollased. Põhjuseks pakutakse väävlit sisaldavaid pestitsiide, mida riigi ohtrates istandustes kasutatakse. Täpsemalt võid lugeda ERR Novaatorist. Pildil olev ahv näib veel standardse välimusega olevat ning ta sai üles võetud Kariibi mere rannikuäärses puudesalus, Costa Rica kagunurgas.
Golden-mantled howlers in Costa Rica are going through a major change - primates that are usually black with orange side patches now show yellow pigment spots in the fur and some are even completely yellow. It is believed that the pesticides containing sulfur are to blame as these kinds of chemicals are used in abundant plantations of the country. More to the story can be found here. The howler on the photo still seems to have a standard look and was caught on camera in a small patch of forest by the Caribbean Sea in SE Costa Rica.

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