Siruulatuse järgi maailma top 3 lind - regent-albatross. Pelikanist jääb
ta maha vähem kui 10 sentimeetriga ning rändalbatrossist 20 sentimeetriga,
aga majesteetlikku Andide kondorit edestab rohkem kui 20 sentimeetriga.
Siruulatus 3,51 meetrit on maksimum, mis on faktiliselt ära tõestatud ja
mõõdetud. Foto sai tehtud Taiaroa Headis, Otago poolsaare tipus,
The Northern Royal Albatross ranks among the top 3 birds in the world
by wingspan. It is just under 10 centimeters smaller than the pelican
and 20 centimeters smaller than the snowy albatross, but surpasses
the majestic Andean condor by more than 20 centimeters. Its maximum
verified wingspan is 3.51 meters. This photo was taken at Taiaroa Head, located at the tip of the Otago
Peninsula in New Zealand.
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