3. oktoober 2014

Rohevint, Carduelis chloris

Rohevint, Carduelis chloris, European Greenfinch, vint
Rohevint, Carduelis chloris, European Greenfinch, vint
Sügis tikub ligi ja looduses kohatav linnuliikide arv on drastiliselt vähenemas. Selles võib aga kindel olla, et rohevint on lind, keda näeb ja kuuleb meie mail nii augustis kui veebruaris. Harjumaa.
The autumn is taking over and the number of bird species that you can meet in Estonia is drastically declining. But you can be sure that Greenfinch is a bird that can be seen and heard in August as well as in February. Harjumaa, Estonia.

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