29. jaanuar 2018

Kanada lagle, Branta canadensis

Kanada lagled asustati Uus-Meremaale jahilindudena ligikaudu 100 aastat tagasi. Kuna olud olid seal eluks suurepärased, läks lagledel väga hästi. Lausa nii hästi, et 1990-te keskel kuulutati see lind lindpriiks (sest saagid hakkasid kannatama nende rohkuse tõttu). Kui sinnani pidi lagle laskmiseks hankima loa, siis tänapäeval võib lindu küttida igaüks, kellel selleks soov on. Fotod tehtud Hokitika piirkonnas, Lõunasaare läänekaldal, Uus-Meremaal.
Canada geese were introduced as a game bird into New Zealand around 100 years ago. As the conditions were great, the species flourished. They were actually doing so well that in the 1990-s the bird was declared as an outlaw (as the crops became to suffer due to their huge numbers). It meant that you did not need a licence anymore to hunt them, anyone who wishes, can have a go at the geese. The photos were taken in Hokitika region on the west coast of South Island, New Zealand. 

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