Tait on reeglina väga madalat profiili hoidev lind, kes veekogu äärsest
tihnikust liiga tihti nähtavale ei uju/jaluta. Seekord õnnestus see (Eesti
kohta) üsna kirev lind aga täies pikkuses pildile saada.
Common Moorhen is usually holding low profile and does not come open
very often from the protective thicket of a lake shore or river bank.
But in this case I was able to capture a full size photo of this quite
colorful (by Estonian standards) bird.
Nagu näha on linnul väga suured jalalabad, mis tulevad kasuks siis, kui
on vaja veetaimede peal turnida. Tait eelistabki elupaigana selliseid
veekogusid, kus on väga rikkalik taimestik. Ning kui talle ujudes taimed
jalgu hakkavad jääma, siis on linnul oskus jalad enda ette tõsta, et
taimedest sujuvalt üle libiseda. Fotod tehtud Harjumaal.
As you can see, the bird has very large feet that come in handy when
marching on top of the water plants. Moorhen does prefer water bodies
where the plant life is abundant. And if these plants interfere with the
swimming, the bird has an ability to put its feet in front of itself and
glide over the vegetation this way. The photos are taken in Harjumaa,
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