16. märts 2018

Kaldaviu, Buteogallus anthracinus

Kaldaviu põhiasend ongi kusagil madalal oksal passimine ning nagu nimigi viitab, siis enamasti mõne veekogu kaldal. Kuigi lemmiksöögiks on tal kalad, siis tegelikult lind väga pirtsakas ei ole ning kui vaja, siis ta jookseb ka piki kallast ja ajab näiteks krabisid taga. Foto tehtud mangroovisalus, Carara rahvuspargis, Costa Ricas.
The main position of Common Black Hawk is like the one on the photo - perched on a low-hanging branch usually near some water body. Although its favorite food is fish, the bird is not very picky and for example if necessary it can run along the shoreline chasing crabs. The photo was taken in a patch of mangrove forest in Carara National Park, Costa Rica.

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