8. veebruar 2025

Sagarlauk, Fulica cristata

Sagarlauk, Fulica cristata, Red-knobbed Coot, lauk, crested
Punaste sarvekestega sagarlauku võib kohata Aafrika lõuna- ning idaosas, Araabia poolsaarel ning Hispaanias ja Marokos. Linnu käitumine on peaaegu identne Euroopa laugu omaga. Erinevalt enamikust ruiklaste sugukonna liikmetest, on see liik palju vähem varju hoidev ning üsnagi agressiivne, eriti pesitsusperioodil. Sagarlaugule ei meeldi ülemäära palju lennata - õhku tõustes jookseb ta mööda vee pinda, sama teeb ta ka lühikese vahemaa kiireks läbimiseks. Foto sai tehtud Wadi Ashawqi kaitsealal, Dhofari regioonis, Omaanis.
The Red-knobbed Coot can be found in southern and eastern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Spain, and Morocco. Its habits are nearly identical to those of the Eurasian Coot. Unlike most members of the rail family, it is far less secretive and is notably aggressive, especially territorial during the breeding season. The Red-knobbed Coot is generally reluctant to fly; when taking off, it runs across the water’s surface with vigorous splashing. It exhibits the same behavior—without actually taking flight—when moving a short distance at speed. This photo was taken in Wadi Ashawq Nature Preserve, Dhofar region, Oman.

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