16. juuli 2024

Valgepõsk-bülbül, Pycnonotus leucotis mesopotamia

Valgepõsk-bülbül, Pycnonotus leucotis mesopotamia, Arabian White-eared Bulbul, cheeked
Valgepõsk-bülbüli alamliik mesopotamia elutseb Araabia poolsaare kirdeosast kuni India keskosani. Ta on peamiselt puuviljatoiduline, eriti meeldivad linnule jujubid ning Capparaceae taimede nektar (viimase tuntuim sort on kappar). Bülbüli toidulauda täiendavad ka paljud selgrootud: mardikad, erinevad putukad ja termiidid. Nende järele sukeldub ta hoogsalt oksalt maapinnale, kuid lind oskab oma saaki püüda ka lennult. Foto sai tehtud Al Batinahi regioonis, Omaanis.
Arabian White-eared Bulbul is found from the northeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula to central India. The bird is mainly frugivorous, it likes jujubes and seeks the nectar of Capparaceae, of which the best known variety is the caper. Bulbul's diet is supplemented with many invertebrates: beetles, various insects and termites. It quickly dives to the ground to catch insects but the bird also knows how to catch the prey in flight. The photo was taken in Al Batinah region, Oman.

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