13. juuni 2024

Keiserbülbül, Hypsipetes amaurotis

Keiserbülbül, Hypsipetes amaurotis, Brown-eared Bulbul, Microscelis, Ixos, Japanese, Chestnut, bülbül
Keiserbülbüli leidub Aasia idaosas - Jaapanis Filipiinide põhjapoolseimate saarteni. Bülbülile kohaselt on teda juba kaugelt kuulda ning inimest linnud väga ei karda. Foto sai tehtud Ueno pargis, Tokyos, Jaapanis.
Brown-eared Bulbul can be found in East Asia - from Japan to the northernmost islands of the Philippines. As is typical for this bird, it can be heard from a distance, and it is not very afraid of people. This photo was taken in Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan.

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