16. mai 2024

Galápagose kahutikat, Myiarchus magnirostris

Galápagose kahutikat, Myiarchus magnirostris, Galapagos Flycatcher, Large-billed, Eribates, tikat
Tõenäoliselt Ecuadori kõige julgem linnuliik - endeemne Galápagose kahutikat. Kui osade liikide puhul lahkub lind puuoksalt sel hetkel, kui sa paarisaja meetri kaugusel mõtled kaamera kotist välja võtmise peale, siis kahutikatitel on inimestest täiesti ükskõik. Pigem isegi nii, et ronivad nii lähedale, et ei mahu enam kaadrisse. Foto sai tehtud Santa Cruzi saarel, Galápagose saarestikus, Ecuadoris.
Probably the most courageous bird species in Ecuador - the endemic Galápagos flycatcher. While some species fly away from their perch the moment you even think about taking your camera out of your bag few hundred meters away, the flycatchers couldn't care less about people. In fact, they often come so close that they don't fit in the frame anymore. This photo was taken on Santa Cruz Island, in the Galápagos archipelago, Ecuador.

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