20. mai 2024

Aksumi prilliklind, Zosterops abyssinicus

Aksumi prilliklind, Zosterops abyssinicus, Abyssinian White-eye, abyssinica, White-breasted
Aksumi prilliklind elutseb Kirde-Sudaanist kuni Araabia poolsaare lõunaosani. Kõrgusi ta ei karda, sest Araabias võib teda kohata lausa 3 km kõrgusel merepinnast. Foto kokkuhoidvatest prilliklindudest sai tehtud Dhofari regioonis, Omaanis.
Abyssinian White-eye is found from northeastern Sudan to the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It is not afraid of heights, as it can be found in Arabia at altitudes of up to 3 km above sea level. The photo of these friendly white-eyes was taken in the Dhofar region of Oman.

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