14. aprill 2024

Kaelus-turteltuvi, Streptopelia decaocto

Kaelus-turteltuvi, Streptopelia decaocto, Eurasian Collared Dove, pargi, tuvi, turtle, Eastern Ring, Indian
Kaelus-turteltuvi ei ole küll rändlind, kuid teda leidub praktiliselt kogu parasvöötme ja subtroopika ulatuses. Euraasia on ta kodupaik, kuid aegu tagasi viidi ta inimeste poolt ka Ameerika kontinendile ning nüüd tunneb ta end ka seal koduselt - Guatemalast Kanadani. Foto sai tehtud Al Batinahi regioonis, Omaanis.
The Eurasian Collared Dove is not a migratory bird, but it is found practically everywhere throughout the temperate and subtropical regions. Eurasia is its native habitat but it was also introduced to the American continent some time ago and now it feels at home there from Guatemala to Canada. The photo was taken in the Al Batinah region, Oman.

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