11. oktoober 2023

Krabi-ööhaigur, Nyctanassa violacea caliginis

Krabi-ööhaigur, Nyctanassa violacea caliginis, Yellow-crowned Night-heron, haigur, Nycticorax
Krabi-ööhaigrut võib kohata Lõuna-Kanadast Tšiili ja Uruguayni, kuid pildil oleva alamliigi caliginis elupaik ulatub Panamast Peruuni. Nagu haigrud ikka, hoiab ta erinevate märgalade ja veekogude ligidusse ning nimi "ööhaigur" tuleneb sellest, et ta eelistab toitu hankida pimedas. Foto sai tehtud Vaikse ookeani kaldal, Santa Elena provintsis, Ecuadoris.
Yellow-crowned Night-heron can be found from Southern Canada to Uruguay and Chile but the subspecies caliginis (that is on the photo) lives in the area between Panama and Peru. As usual for herons, its preferred habitats are wetlands and the shores of different water bodies and the name "night-heron" comes from the fact that it favors hunting and feeding after dark. The photo was taken by the Pacific coast in Santa Elena province, Ecuador.

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