Kollakäpp-titi elutseb Amazonase vihmametsa ühes ligipääsematumas nurgas
Colombias, Ecuadoris, Brasiilias ja Peruus ning seetõttu läheb liigil ka
suhteliselt hästi. Nad on väiksemapoolsed ahvid, kaaludes keskmiselt 1-1,5
kg ja kehapikkus ulatub 30-45 cm-ni (saba on muide kehast pikem ja tihti
ulatub poole meetrini). Foto sai tehtud Ecuadori Amazonias, Cuyabeno
Lucifer titi monkey is found in the remotest parts of the Amazon rain
forest in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru and therefore is doing
quite well as a species. Titis are small monkeys - they weigh 1–1.5 kg
and their body length is 30–45 cm (their tail is longer than their body,
measuring often ca 50 cm). The photo was taken in Ecuadorian Amazon, in
Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve.
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