Euroopast sisse veetud kuldnokk on Uus-Meremaa kliima üsna hästi osaks
võtnud. Antud isend kükitas ühel heinamaal Taranaki piirkonnas,
Uus-Meremaa põhjasaarel.
European Starling is an introduced species in New Zealand and the
climate of the country suits the bird very well. This shot was taken on
a meadow in Taranaki region, New Zealand North Island.
Endeemne põldmerisk on Uus-Meremaa arvukaim meriskiliik ning ta on kenasti
üle elanud kõik inimese ja võõrliikide saabumisega seotud probleemid, mis on
selle maanurga metsikut loodust muidu kõvasti rappinud. Foto sai tehtud
mõõna ajal Banksi poolsaare mudasel rannikul, Uus-Meremaa Lõunasaarel. Endemic South Island Pied Oystercatcher is the most abundant oystercatcher in New Zealand and it has survived all the threats
introduced to this corner of the earth during the past few centuries since the arrival
of humans and all alien invasive species that otherwise have had a huge
impact. The photo was taken on the mudflats of the Banks peninsula during
low tide in New Zealand South Island.