1 sekund. Täpselt nii kaua on minu elu jooksul pisi-rädilind istunud
pildistamise mõttes ideaalilähedasel oksal. Selle aja jooksul suutsin teha
viis fotot, millest kolmel on lind kaadrisse ära mahtunud ja millest kahe
puhul on ka teravus paigas. Pilte, kus mõlemad tingimused on täidetud, on
täpselt üks (see, mida nüüd siin näete). Taiwani Xitou looduspargi
pimedates aluskihtides nägin lindu veel ligikaudu minuti jooksul, kuid
sealt enam head pilti välja ei võlunud. See on siis üks positiivne näide,
kuidas reisil loodusfotod sünnivad. Kahjuks aga ei ole harvad ka juhud,
kus ainukohtumine jääbki rahuldaval tasemel fikseerimata ning need
möödalastud "šansud" jäävad mõneks ajaks ikka korralikult hinge
1 second. This is the time frame during my whole life that rufous-faced
warbler has been in front of my camera on an almost ideal branch. In that
time I managed to capture 5 shots - on three photos the bird is fully in
frame and in two photos the bird is in focus. Number of photos where both
conditions are met is 1 (this one that you can see here). I still saw the
warbler after that during approximately 1 minute on the lower and darker
layers of Xitou Nature Education Area in central Taiwan but never was able
to capture a decent photo again. So this a positive example how nature
photos are created during travelling. Unfortunately it also happens that
you miss the only chance you are given and these occasions stay on your
mind for quite a while.