11. jaanuar 2022

Mustkurk-sabatihane, Aegithalos concinnus concinnus

Mustkurk-sabatihane, Aegithalos concinnus concinnus, Black-throated Tit, tihane, bushtit, Red-headed
Tilluke, kuid efektse välimusega mustkurk-sabatihane Alishani rahvuspargis, Taiwanis. Tema levila ulatub Himaalaja mägede jalamilt üle terve Kagu-Aasia, Taiwan on kõige idapoolsem punkt, kus lindu kohata võib. 
Tiny but easy on the eye - Black-throated Tit in Alishan National Park, Taiwan. It is found from the foothills of the Himalayas across all South-East Asia and Taiwan is the easternmost place you can see the bird.

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