3. august 2021

Nurmdrongo, Dicrurus macrocercus harterti

Nurmdrongo, Dicrurus macrocercus harterti, Black Drongo
Nurmdrongo elutseb Lähis-Ida idaservast kuni Kagu-Aasia kaugemate nurkadeni. Pildil on näha alamliik harterti, keda võib leida Taiwanis. Tegemist on väga jõulise linnuga, kes ründab silmagi pilgutamata ükskõik kui suurt lindu, kes tema pesa ohustab. Seetõttu loovad paljud väiksemad linnud oma pesa just drongo pesa lähedusse, et olla tema nn kaitsva tiiva all. Foto sai tehtud Kentingi rahvuspargis, Taiwanis.
Black Drongo is found from the eastern parts of the Middle East to the farthest corners of South-East Asia.  On the photo you can see the subspecies harterti that is endemic to Taiwan. Drongo is known to be very agressive towards each and every bird (no matter how large) that threatens its nest. This is the reason why some smaller birds create their nests near drongo's to be under its protective wing. The photo was taken in Kenting National Park, Taiwan.

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