Rooruik on esmakordselt siin blogis, sest tegemist on väga peidulise
linnuga, keda õnnestub näha äärmiselt harva. Ning veel haruldasem on teda
Eestis kohata talvel (talvituvate ruikade arv jääb vast 10 linnu ringi),
kuid just veebruari keskel too isend Harjumaal minu kaamera ette jäi. Foto
pole just teab mis šedööver, kuid see oli ainus hetk, kui lind korraks
kõrkjate vahelt peaaegu välja astus ja mul üldse õnnestus tüüp kaadrisse
This is the first photo of water rail in this blog as it's a skulking
species that you very rarely see. And it's even rarer to see the bird in
Estonia in winter (there are about 10 birds wintering here) but as it
happened, this photo was taken in the middle of February in Harjumaa.
The photo itself is not a good one but this was the only moment when the
rail almost stepped out of the reeds and I got the opportunity to capture it
with my camera.
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