Pühaiibis on tegelikult Aafrika lind, kuid juhtus nii, et 20 aastat
tagasi pani hulk iibiseid ühest Taiwani loomaaiast plehku ning nad avastasid,
et see saar on väga sobilik elupaik. Tänaseks arvatakse neid linde
Taiwani vabas looduses olevat üle 5000 ning juba nuputatakse, kuidas neist
vabaneda, sest see võimas iibis on selgelt ohustamas kohalikke liike. Foto
koos kahe veisehaigruga sai üles võetud Chiayi maakonnas, Taiwani
Sacred Ibis is actually an African bird but some 20 years ago some
ibises escaped from a zoo in Taiwan and they discovered that the island
is a perfect habitat. It is estimated that there are over 5000 sacred
ibises living in Taiwan and therefore people are already contemplating how to
get rid of this large bird as it's a threat to local species. The photo
with two cattle egrets was taken in Chiayi county, western Taiwan.
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