2. juuli 2019

Ameerika madukael, Anhinga anhinga

Ameerika madukael, Anhinga anhinga, Anhinga, American Darter, Snakebird, water turkey
Ameerika madukael on veelind, kuid tema sulestik ei ole veelinnule kohaselt vetthülgav. Sellest tulenevalt vettib madukaela keha pikemal vees viibimisel üsna korralikult ära ja nagu siit pildilt paistab, on ainult kael ja pea vee peal. Caño Negro märgala, Costa Rica.
Anhinga or American Darter is a water bird but its feathers are not water resistant as it's with most of the birds. Therefore being in water for some time soaks the plumage completely and as seen from this photo, only neck and head are above the water. Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge, Costa Rica.

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