Haraknäär on lind, kelle peremudel erineb selgelt tavalistest lindudest. Nende puhul jäävad naissoost järeltulijad oma pere juurde, aitamaks järgmisi pesakondi üles kasvatada ja meessoost linnud lahkuvad. Seetõttu koosneb haraknääri pere tavaliselt dominantsest emasest, üksildasest isasest ning hulgast "tütardest". Foto tehtud Nicoya poolsaarel, Costa Ricas.
White-throated magpie-jay is a bird that has unusual family model among birds. The female offspring stay in the group and help their parents raise future broods, while male offspring disperse. Therefore, groups generally consist of a dominant female, her lone social mate, and a number of retained female offspring. The photo was taken in Nicoya peninsula, Costa Rica.
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