1. november 2017

Urvalind, Carduelis flammea

Urvalind, Carduelis flammea, Common Redpoll
Urvalind on Uus-Meremaal importlind Euroopast ning antud foto on tehtud Lõunasaare edelanurgas, metsikus Fiordlandi regioonis. See pisike värvuline on aga tekitanud linnuteadlaste seas tormi veeklaasis. Kui Uus-Meremaa linnuspetsid raiuvad kui rauda, et tegemist on urvalinnuga, siis eurooplased (peamiselt britid) väidavad, et tegu on hoopis lääne-urvalinnuga. Tänaseni kokkulepet selles põletavas küsimuses pole ning mina lähtun antud juhul Uus-Meremaal toodetud lindude välimäärajast.
Common Redpoll is an imported bird in New Zealand and this photo is taken in Fiordland, on the remote corner of South Island. This tiny finch, though, has created a storm in a teacup between the ornithologists. When the bird enthusiasts and professionals in New Zealand state that this bird is Common Redpoll then europeans (mostly Brits) argue that it is actually Lesser Redpoll. By today this pressing issue has not been solved therefore I use the classification stated in New Zealand birds field guide.

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