Sarnaselt eilsele veel üks kanaline - Kalifornia tuttvutt (10 punkti
nime eestistajale!). Foto on tehtud kaunil Banksi poolsaarel,
Uus-Meremaal, kuid nagu linnu nimigi ütleb, on tegemist võõrliigiga. See
vahva tutikesega vutike on California osariigi rahvuslind, keda on nii
Uus-Meremaale kui mitmele poole mujale maailmas inimese poolt asustatud ja
vähemalt Uus-Meremaal on ta ennast üsna hästi sisse seadnud.
Another "hen" like yesterday - this time it's California Quail.
The photo is taken in magnificent Banks peninsula in New Zealand but as
the name of the bird suggests, it's a foreign species in that country.
This funny tufted quail is the national bird of the State of California
and it has been introduced to New Zealand (and many other parts of the
world) by a man and at least in New Zealand California Quail is doing
very well.
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