21. juuli 2017

Kolm õde, Three sisters

Kolme õe nimelised kaljuformatsioonid Taranaki piirkonnas, Uus-Meremaa põhjasaarel. Tegelikult on küll pildil ainult kaks õde (need tagumised), sest algse kolmanda "õe" nõudis Tasmani meri endale. Aga kuna rannalt on kohe üks suur ja masajalgne "õde" asemele võtta, siis ütleme, et neid on ikkagi kolm. Sada aastat tagasi oli "õdesid" isegi neli, kuid kuna tõusu ajal on "õed" kõik jalgupidi sügavas vees, on meri neid ükshaaval ka pikali murdnud.
Three Sisters rock formations in Taranaki region, New Zealand North Island. Actually you can see only two sisters (the ones in the back) as the third one was claimed by the Tasman Sea. On the other hand there is a stout "sister" in handy on the beach therefore let's call it three sisters anyway. A century ago there were even four of them but as these "sisters" stand in deep water during the high tide, the sea has taken them one by one.

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