Mustluik on Uus-Meremaa jaoks võõrliik ja samas ei ole kah. Fakt on see,
et 19. sajandil asustati Uus-Meremaa Austraaliast pärit lindudega
(Austraalia on mustluikede kodumaa) ja sealtmaalt on need luiged riigis
üsna levinud. Teisalt on välja uuritud, et kunagi varasemalt on ka
mustluige üks alamliik Uus-Meremaal elanud, kuid seda lindu kütiti
maooride poolt seni, kuni enam polnud kedagi järel. Fotod tehtud Glenorchy
Laguuni märgalal, Uus-Meremaa lõunasaarel.
Black Swan is an alien species for New Zealand and in the same time it
is not. It is a fact that this swan was introduced to New Zealand in the
1860s, using a flock from Australia (that is the "home country" of the
bird). On the other hand it is known that there was a subspecies of
black swan before that time but it was apparently hunted to extinction
by Māori. The photos are taken in Glenorchy Lagoon Wetland, New
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