Hiireviu Harjumaal. Neid linde kutsutakse ka tantsivateks viudeks, sest
hiireviudel on harjumus maanduda värskelt küntud põldudel ja seal
"tantsida" üles-alla. See liikumine tekitab samasugust häält nagu
vihmasadu, mistõttu peagi ronivad maa alt välja vihmaussid, kes muidugi
kohe ära süüakse. Ei ole harv juhus, kus sellise tantsupõllu peale tuleb
kokku suurem hulk viusid. Pildil olev isend vist pole suurem asi
tantsulõvi, sest konutas hoopistükkis võsas.
Eurasian Buzzard in Harjumaa, Estonia. Their colloquial name "Dancing
Hawk" stems from their habit of landing in open fields (often freshly
worked) and dancing up&down - the noise made sounds like rain to
worms and makes them rise to the surface. After that, of course, they
get eaten by the buzzards. It is not unusual for groups of buzzards to
do this at the same time in a single field. This buzzard, though, did
not dance but sat silently in a thicket.
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