Metstilder on lind, keda vahetevahel metsas ikka kohtab, kuid pildile
pole teda varem õnnestunud saada. Tavastsenaarium on see, kus märkad lindu
sel hetkel, mil ta kõva sidistamisega su lähedalt õhku tõuseb ja ära
lendab. Seekord sai kohtutud veidi tugevama närvikavaga (või siis lihtsalt
rändest väsinud) linnuga, kellest õnnestus ka mõned ülesvõtted teha.
Kaamera ette jäi see tilder Pärnumaal.
Green Sandpiper is a bird that you see in a forest once in a while but
until now I have not been able to capture it with a camera. The usual
scenario is following - you see the sandpiper when the bird jumps up
from the grass nearby and flies away with loud twittering. This time
there was an opportunity to meet a guy that was with stronger nerves (or
was just tired from the migration). The sandpiper got in front of my
camera in Pärnumaa, Estonia.
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