Maoori lehviksaba on Uus-Meremaa endeemne liik ja ilmselt üks riigi
nähtavamaid lindusid. Ning seda hoolimata asjaolust, et ta on vaid 16 cm
pikkune ja poole sellest pikkusest moodustab saba. Silma hakkab ta
seetõttu, et lind on väga julge ja üritab igal võimalikul ajal ning viisil
vaatajatele esineda - lehvitades oma sabaga, tehes vigurlende ja vahest
hüpeldes inimestest vaid meetri kaugusel. Maoorikeelne nimi on linnul
Piwakawaka ning foto on tehtud Waitomo piirkonnas, Põhjasaarel,
New Zealand Fantail is endemic to New Zealand and is probably one of
the best known birds there. Despite the fact that it is only 16cm long,
half of which is the tail. Fantails are very visible as they are bold
and try to show off every chance they get - they display their tails,
perform acrobatic flights and sometimes approach within a metre or
two of people. Maori name of the bird is Piwakawaka and this photo is
taken in Waitomo region, North Island, New Zealand.
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