Palmitangara on puuviljaaedaede hirm. Keegi tark inimene on kokku
lugenud, et ta sööb rohkem kui 25 sorti puuvilju. Kuid mitte ainult.
Balansseeritud toidulaud on selle linnu jaoks oluline, mistõttu on
võrdväärse kaaluga ka erinevate lülijalgsete nahka pistmine. Sarapiqui
org, Costa Rica.
Palm Tanager is an enemy of the fruit gardens. Somebody has taken the
time and counted that this bird eats more than 25 types of fruit. But
that's not all. Palm tanager is very keen to have a balanced diet so
it takes in equal amounts also arthropods. Sarapiqui valley,
Costa Rica.
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