13. detsember 2016

Urvalind, Acanthis flammea

Urvalind, Acanthis flammea, Common Redpoll, Mealy, Carduelis Urvalind, Acanthis flammea, Common Redpoll, Mealy, Carduelis
Punase mütsiga urvalind on Eestis talikülaline - saabub sügisel ja lahkub kevadel. Näha võib teda, nagu nimigi vihjab, puudel, millel on urvad. Seda seetõttu, et seemned on talvel nende lindude praktiliselt ainus toit (suvel sobivad putukad kah). Fotod tehtud Harjumaal.
Common redpoll with its red cap is a winter visitor in our country - it arrives in autumn and leaves in spring. You can usually see the bird on the trees that has catkins as the seeds are the main diet in winter (in summer the insects will do as well). The photos are taken in Harjumaa, Estonia.

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