Ameerika hallhaigur on väga sarnane meie piirkonna
hallhaigrule, kes on küll mõnevõrra väiksem ja natuke heledamates toonides
sulestikuga. Läänepoolkeral on see haigur peamiselt Põhja- ja
Kesk-Ameerika lind, kuigi teda leidub ka Venetsueelas ja Galapagose
saartel. Eluviisilt on aga mõlemad liigid üks-ühele - kahlatakse madalas
vees, pea õlgade vahel ning kui saaki märgatakse, siis sirutatakse kael
järsult välja ja haaratakse ohvrit võimsa nokaga. Caño Negro märgala,
Costa Ricas.
Great Blue Heron is quite similar to our own
European Grey Heron
that is, though, a bit smaller and has somewhat lighter plumage. In the
western hemisphere, this heron is mainly North and Central American
species although you cand find it also in Venezuela and Galapagos
islands. But concerning the behaviour, both species are almost identical
- they wade in shallow water, head between the shoulders and when they
see a prey, there is a lightning-fast thrust of the neck and head as
they stab the victim with their strong bills. Caño Negro Wildlife
Refuge, Costa Rica.
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