Ruikkurg on suur kahlaja, keda leidub Floridast Argentiina põhjaosani.
Tema võimas nokk on kohastunud molluskite, eriti tigude, söömiseks ning
tänu suurtele varvastele on lind suuteline jalutama ka veetaimede peal.
Kuigi nime järgi on tegemist justkui kurega, siis tegelikult platseerub
ta kurgede ja ruikade vahele, olles ainus allesjäänud linnuliik omas
perekonnas (Aramidae). Fotod tehtud Frio jõe kaldal, Caño Negro
märgalal, Costa Ricas.
Limpkin is a large wader that is found from Florida to the northern
parts of Argentina. Its massive long bill is adapted for feeding on
molluscs and snails (special favorites) and the large toes allow the
bird to walk also on the water plants. Limpkin is the only member of
the Aramidae family and it is placed somewhere between the cranes and
rails. The photos are taken by the river Frio in Caño Negro
Wetland, Costa Rica.
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