Rääkspart on paras suslik, kuna tema toiduhankimise meetodite hulka
kuulub ka teistelt sukelpartidelt toidu ära napsamine. Kui teine part
tuleb veepõhjast õnneliku ja rõõsana, nokavahe head ja paremat täis, on
rääkspart juba valmis ning niipea kui nokk veepinnale tuleb, kahmab ta
saagi endale. Harjumaa.
Gadwall is quite a weasel as the methods of finding foodstuff include
snatching food from other diving ducks. When the duck comes merrily
from the bottom of a water, beak full of goodies, gadwall is ready and
steals the grub as soon as the beak is out of the water. Harjumaa,
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