Kaldaviu, nagu nimigi viitab, elutseb veekogude lähistel, peamiselt
mangroovisoodes. Leidub teda troopilises Ameerikas ning lind keskendub
toiduvalikus kaladele ja kahepaiksetele. Fotod tehtud Vaikse ookeani ja
ühe väikese jõe vahel asunud mangroovisalus, Carara rahvuspargis, Costa
Common Black Hawk likes to be near water bodies, its favorite
habitats are mangrove swamps. You can find it all over tropical
America and this bird of prey has concentrated on the fish and
reptiles when it comes to food. The photos are taken in a patch of
mangrove forest between a small creek and Pacific ocean in Carara
National Park, Costa Rica.
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