Kaelus-kuningkalur on vägagi kogukas omasuguste seas (pikkust üle 40
cm) ning leidub teda Texase lõunaosast kuni Lõuna-Ameerika lõunatipuni.
Sarnaselt meie jäälinnule (kes on peaaegu 3 korda väiksem) on tema
jahipidamise meetodiks vee kohal olevalt oksalt kala järele sööstmine.
See konkreetne isend ootas saaki Frio jõe kohale ulatunud oksal, Costa
Rica põhjapiiril, Caño Negro kaitsealal.
Ringed Kingfisher is rather bulky compared to other kingfishers
(length over 40cm) and it is found from Southern Texas to the southern
tip of South America. Similarly to European kingfisher (that is almost
3 times smaller), the method of catching food is perching high
over the water and plummeting from there after the fish. This bird was
waiting for the prey on a branch by the Frio river, on the northern
border of Costa Rica in Caño Negro Wildlife Refuge.
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