Kollase koorega toonikuakaatsiad ehk palavikupuud uMkhuze kaitsealal,
LAV-s. See palavikuviide tuleb vanadest aegadest, mil Euroopast tulnud
inimesed seostasid malaariat nende puudega - vaadati, et rahvas jääb
malaariasse sealkandis, kus need puud kasvavad ja sellest tehti kohe ka
ühesed järeldused. Sääski ei osanud keegi kahtlustadagi...
Yellow-barked fever trees in uMkhuze Game Reserve, South Africa.
These are called fever trees because of the misconception from the
earlier times - early European settlers in the region noted that
malarial fever was contracted in areas with these trees and therefore
made "conclusive deductions". Nobody even suspected the
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