Keiser-fregattlind kannab sellist nime seetõttu, et ta on
fregattlindudest suurim - pikkust kuni 115cm ning tiibade siruulatus
kuni 2,5 meetrit. Leidub teda nii Atlandi kui Vaikse ookeani rannikul,
troopilises ja subtroopilises Ameerikas. Toitub fregattlind kaladest,
keda püüab ise või siis alternatiivina sunnib teisi merelinde oma
saagist loobuma (ehk siis tegemist on paraja merekiusajaga). Fotod
tehtud Nicoya poolsaarel, Costa Ricas.
Magnificent Frigatebird got its name from the fact that it is the
largest frigatebird - length up to 115 cm and wingspan up to 2,5
metres. You can find it on both (Atlantic and Pacific) coasts of
tropical and subtropical America. Frigatebird feeds on fish that it
catches itself or alternatively forces other seabirds to disgorge
their meals (so it is quite a bully). The photos are taken
in Nicoya peninsula, Costa Rica.
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