Käärsaba-tikat on nime saanud selle järgi, et lennu ajal on ta saba
tihtipeale harali nagu käärid. Kasutust leiab see kääride moodi saba ka
pesitsuse eel emaslindude võlumisel - nimelt teevad isased imetabaseid,
akrobaatilisi lende, kus üheks oluliseks elemendiks on ka liigutused
sabaga. Leidub seda tikatit Põhja- ja Kesk-Ameerikas ning meie mõistes
on tegemist kärbsenäpiga. Oma saaki (lendavaid putukaid) ootab ta oksal,
sealt sööstab ta trikitades õhku ning peagi naaseb nokatäie putukatega
samale oksale. Foto tehtud Nicoya poolsaarel, Costa Ricas.
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher has got its name from the fact that it
often holds its tail feathers apart like scissors during the flight.
The fancy tail is put to use also during the breeding period to woo
the ladies - the male birds perform spectacular aerial displays with his long tail forks
streaming out behind him. You can find this flycatcher in North and
Central America and it behaves like usual flycatcher. The bird
shoots from its perch to catch the insects and then returns to the
same place with the bill full of prey. The photo is taken
in Nicoya peninsula, Costa Rica.
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