See eestikeelse nimeta väike (ca 10 cm pikkune) lind on Costa Rica ja
Panama endeemne liik. Ning ka nendes riikides ei ela ta igal pool, vaid
ainult mägedes, kõrgemal kui 1,2 km merepinnast. Nagu pildilt näha, on
tal üsna eriskummalise kujuga nokk, mida lind kasutab õite põhjadesse
aukude tegemiseks, et sealt siis nektar kätte saada. Sellise käitumisega
on ta aga koolibride vihane konkurent, mistõttu konfliktid ei ole
harvad. Reeglina jääb see kõvernokk koolibridele alla ning on sunnitud
pagema. Quetzalite rahvuspark, Costa Rica.
Slaty Flowerpiercer is a small (length 10cm in average) passerine
bird, endemic to Costa Rica and Panama. And it is not found everywhere
in these countries but only in the mountains that are 1200 metres or
higher. As you can see from the photo, the bird has quite a peculiar
shaped bill - this is for a good reason. As its name implies, the
slaty flowerpiercer pierces the base of the flowers and extracts the
nectar through the hole. Doing that, it is a fierce competitor for
hummingbirds and therefore the conflicts are not uncommon. Usually the
flowerpiecer retreats rather quickly. Parque Nacional Los Quetzales,
Costa Rica.
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