Läbi kärbseparve...
Through the cloud of flies...
...tulen ma...
...I spy...
...sind vaatama. Kuigi inimestel on käimas veel suur suvi, siis
paljudel lindudel (eriti kahlajatel) on ette võetud juba sügisränne.
Seetõttu tangitakse end ka Eesti rannikualadel, kus madalas vees ja
mädanevatel adruvallidel on toitu küllaga. Vihitaja ehk jõgitilder
...a photographer. Although people in the Northern Hemisphere still
enjoy the summer, some birds (especially waders) are already on their
autumn migration. Therefore you can see them feeding also in the
coastal areas of Estonia where the shallow waters and rotting seaweeds
offer abundant choices. Eurasian Sandpiper in Läänemaa, Estonia.
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