Kesk-Ameerika pärimuses on hundketsal püha lind, keda seostatakse nii
Ussijumala kui ka Õhujumalaga. Linnu tapmine oli sellel ajal suur
kuritegu, kuid kuna kunagised asteekide ja maiade ülikud "vajasid" oma
peaehetesse uhkeid ketsali sabasulgi, siis linde siiski püüti, kuid
pärast sabasulgede harvendamist lasti jälle lahti. Tänapäeval
harvendatakse aga metsasid, mistõttu on ketsal sattunud Punases Raamatus
ohulähedasse kategooriasse. Kohata võib teda (väga suure vedamise
korral) Kesk-Ameerika mägistes pilvemetsades. Fotod
tehtud Curi-cancha kaitsealal, Monteverde pilvemetsas, Costa
In Central American folklore Resplendent Quetzal is a holy bird
that is associated with the snake god and also god of the air.
Killing of this bird was a serious crime back then but as the nobility
of the ancient Aztecs and Maya "needed" its tail feathers for their
headdresses, quetzals were captured, their tails "harvested" and then
set free again. Nowadays are the forests that are harvested and this
is the reason why resplendent quetzal is classified as near threatened
on the Red List. You can find it (if you are really lucky) in the
montane cloud forests of Central America. The photos are taken
in Curi-Cancha Reserve, Monteverde cloud forest, Costa Rica.
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