Kaelus-karmiinsirk on väga efektse välimusega lind, mistõttu on ta ka
paljudele looduspiltnikele maiuspala. Probleem on aga selles, et ta
tegutseb peamiselt puude latvades, mistõttu objektiivi ette on lindu
keeruline saada. Mul see siiski korraks õnnestus ning hoolimata
keerulistest oludest, sai see sekund eelpool nähtaval kujul ära
fikseeritud. Sarapiqui org, Costa Rica.
Crimson-collared Tanager is a striking bird and therefore a desired
subject for the bird photographers. The only problem is the fact that
the bird keeps itself to middle and upper levels of the rainforest
thus it is quite difficult to get the tanager in front of the camera.
I managed to accomplish that despite the tricky conditions and this
one and only second was captured onto the memory card like seen
before. Sarapiqui valley, Costa Rica.
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