Linnu nimi tuleneb sellest, et ta kolabki toidu otsingul mööda randa ning lükkab muuhulgas nokaga väiksemaid kive ümber. Lisaks sellele tuhlab ta ka vetikates, kaevab väikeseid augukesi liiva sisse, sondeerib nokaga pinnast ja toksib vee-elukate kodasid puruks. Eesmärk on leida erinevaid molluskeid ja muid selgrootuid, kuid söögiks sobivad ka raiped, putukad, ussid, linnumunad ja erinevad taimeosad. Bretagne, Prantsusmaa.
The name ruddy turnstone comes from the fact that this bird is often strolling along the beach and flips over stones and other objects to get at prey items hiding underneath. Beside that it flicks through seaweed, digs holes, probes the ground with its bill and hammer-probes the shells of the prey. The goal is to find different crustaceans or other invertebrates, but the diet includes also carrion, eggs, insects, worms and plant material. Bretagne, France.
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