Suurhoko on ohustatud liik ja seetõttu range kaitse all. Seda kuni meeter pikka ja kuni 5 kilo kaaluvat "kana" võib kohata Mehhiko idaosast kuni Loode-Ecuadorini. Kui veab. Elupaigaks sobivad talle vihmametsad ning just nende vähenemine on liigi jätkuvuse löögi alla pannud. Meie sattusime sellele vöödilisele emaslinnule peale Vulkaan Arenali rahvuspargis Costa Ricas, kui ta oma olemasolust keset tihedat džunglit kõva raginaga teada andis.
Great Curassow is a threatened species and therefore keenly protected. You can find this large "chicken" (length up to 1 metre and weight up to 5 kilos) from eastern Mexico to northwestern Ecuador. If you are lucky. The suitable habitat is neotropical rainforest and due to the constant decrease of this kind of woods, the sustainability of the great curassow is at risk. We encountered this barred morph female in Arenal Volcano National Park, Costa Rica where in the middle of the jungle, the bird let us know of its presence by jumping around on the trees.
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