Karupaavianid elavad karjas, millel on reeglina väga keeruline hierarhia ja ka omapärased tavad. Näiteks igal hommikul toimub nn "lahkuminek". Paavianid magavad tavaliselt koos suurte gruppidena, et kaitsta end kiskjate rünnakute eest. Hommikul kui on ärgatud, minnakse oma tegemisi tegema alati üheaegselt. Mõni karjaliige (ei pea olema dominantne) annab signaali, et nüüd minek ja kui vähemalt 5 ahvi koonduvad ta selja taha, siis lähebki kari laiali. Kui sellele reageerib aga näiteks ainult 4 paaviani, siis ei toimu midagi ja oodatakse järgmist kutset. uMkhuze looduskaitseala, LAV.
Chacma baboon or Cape baboon is a monkey that lives in a group that has usually very complex hierarchy and odd traditions. For example, every morning there is an act called "dispersal". The baboons often sleep in large groups at night to avoid predators. The morning dispersal from the sleeping site is synchronized, with all members leaving at the same time. In most cases, dispersal is initiated by a single individual (does not have to be dominant), and the other members of the group decide whether or not to follow. At least five followers must be recruited for a successful dispersal initiation, and not all initiation attempts are successful. So if only 4 baboons answer the call, nothing happens and everybody will wait for the next initiator. uMkhuze Game Reserve, Mkuze, South Africa.
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