"Noh, sa ka midagi jõuludeks said?"
"So did you get any presents for Christmas?"
Kiripugu-frankoliini nimi ladina ja ka inglise keeles viitab kunagisele LAV-i Natali provintsile (tänane KwaZulu-Natali provints). See provints omakorda sai nime sellest, et esimese eurooplasena nägi seda Aafrika rannikut portugallasest meresõitja Vasco da Gama just jõulude ajal, aastal 1497 ("Natal" tähendab portugali keeles jõule). Fotod linnust on tehtud siiski Krugeri rahvuspargis, mis asub LAV-s Limpopo ja Mpumalanga provintsides.
Natal Francolin or Natal spurfowl gets its name from the former South African province Natal (today province of KwaZulu-Natal). This province, in turn, got its name from the fact that the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama saw the coast of Natal on Christmas Day 1497 ("Natal" is the word for Christmas in portuguese). The photos of the bird, though, are taken in Kruger National Park, that is divided between the South African provinces Limpopo and Mpumalanga.
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